Bowhunting Legend M. R. James Writes Mystery Novel

M. R. James, a member of the Archery Hall of Fame, is offering signed copies of his first mystery novel, “Dream Killer.”
Bowhunting Legend M. R. James Writes Mystery Novel

M. R. JamesIf you love to pass the time in a treestand or ground blind by reading a good book, then I have a strong suggestion: “Dream Killer,” by M. R. James, an award-winning author, photographer, editor and member of the Archery Hall of Fame.

Anyone with a love of bowhunting certainly knows the name M. R. James. He’s the former founder, editor and publisher of Bowhunter Magazine. Not one to rest in retirement, the Indiana resident is not only active on social media, but M. R. James just finished his first novel.

Comments from M.R.:

Special thanks to my FB friends and fans of my writing who are buying my latest book, “Dream Killer,” a mystery novel about a serial killer and the people tracking him down. I now have a good supply of paperbacks on hand, and I'm signing and mailing copies within 24 hours of receiving orders. The cost is $12.50; that includes all postage and handling fees. Send checks or money orders to Blue Jay Books, P. O. Box 1, St. Meinrad, IN 47577.

Kindle eBooks and unsigned paperbacks are also sold at Amazon; click here for more information. And with the holidays coming up soon, consider a book as a gift for the adult reader in your family who enjoys a gritty, R-rated and fast-paced murder mystery with several I-didn't-see-that-coming plot twists.

M. R. JamesNote: All readers need to know that if this book were a movie, it would be R-rated for some graphic violence, profanity, and sexual situations. Anyone who may be offended by these elements of the storyline about a sadistic serial killer, and the law enforcement officers who track him down, should forgo reading my first novel. It is unlike any of my previous hunting books, magazine features, and columns; however, it is the same kind of gritty crime fiction I wrote and published in national magazines before my long career as an outdoor journalist. This novel is about a brutal, amoral serial killer and the law enforcement officers who track him down. It's not for young readers or anyone easily offended by swearing and scenes of graphic violence. Once again, thanks for your ongoing support.

More About 'Dream Killer'

Need more convincing? Here’s the back cover tease:

A sadistic serial killer suddenly starts terrorizing the remote corner of a northwestern Montana vacation paradise. The killer’s blatantly shocking butchery is marked by his use of hand-crafted primitive weapons and the taunting notes left at each crime scene. His signature calling card is a colorful Native American dream catcher that he hangs near his victims’ bodies.

 This elusive “Dream Catcher Butcher” soon garners statewide and national media attention. As his body count climbs and fear spreads, pressure builds on County Sheriff Frank Welles and his deputies to find and take down the depraved, revenge-driven psychopath.

 Joining Sheriff Welles in the methodical search is his brother-in-law, Marcus Hawkes. A wounded warrior ex-Navy SEAL, Hawkes has found the Big Sky backcountry a refuge from the horrors of Middle Eastern warfare. Working together, Hawkes and Welles put the puzzle’s blood-splattered pieces together and zero in on finding and stopping the killer.

The eventual mountainside showdown deep inside the madman’s lair — where he and his latest female captive have taken refuge to make a final stand — is a taut, violent faceoff fated to end with even more blood being shed.

M. R. JamesI’ve worked with M. R. in the past on a couple projects, and I’ve always admired his kindness toward everyone he meets. Though very humble, he’s a true legend in the archery industry, and even more importantly (in my opinion), he’s a good guy. As a fan of his hunting articles through the many decades, I can’t wait to turn the pages of “Dream Killer.” My check for $12.50 is already in the mail.


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