The annual Breeding Waterfowl Population Survey for 2024 estimates nearly 34 million ducks, which is a 5% increase from 2023.
Wing shooters who are looking for a challenging hunt, need look no further than the American Crow.
When it comes to wild turkeys, an albino gobbler is the rarest of rare, yet this bowhunter has one strutting in his decoys.
The young hunter in this 1-minute video finally gets his wild turkey, but you won’t believe how.
Not sure whether shooting a wild turkey in the head or neck is right for you? Spoiler: The answer is positively “yes.”
Not exactly sure how to properly butcher a wild turkey? Need help removing the tail fan or spurs for mounting? Watch and learn.
If you love bowhunting wild turkeys, this must-see video might become your all-time favorite.
For bowhunters, it’s much trickier to know where to aim on a wild turkey than it is on a deer. Here are four tips for making a deadly body shot.
Pursuing wild turkeys without the aid of a pop-up blind is not only liberating, it’s often more effective.
America’s heartland hosts a booming Eastern wild turkey population. This subspecies is as sharp as a tack, though, so follow these tips for an archery-close encounter.
Killing a wild turkey with archery gear isn’t easy. Here’s how to up your odds of success this spring.
Sometimes a particular wild turkey finds a way to escape day after day by zigging every time a hunter zags.
Wild turkeys change their behavior dramatically throughout the year, and toms and jakes will gobble during months that might surprise you.
Gun companies continue to offer specialized firearms designed for dropping a gobbler in its tracks. Here are five proven performers.
A rabid otter attacked and bit a Florida man on his daily walk to feed ducks in a pond.
Do you have trouble missing gimme shots on pheasants, quail or grouse? Here’s how to improve your upland hunting shooting skills before opening day.
This 11-second trail cam video gives the author a crazy idea for next turkey season.
You’ve killed a wild turkey and want to capture the scene with several top-notch photos. Here are seven of the author’s favorite poses.
Don’t make the mistake of treating every wild turkey the same. To be successful consistently, first consider a gobbler’s personality.
There are many great methods for cooking wild turkey breast meat, but this one from Mossy Oak Founder Toxey Haas might be best of the best.
You won’t see a wild turkey killed at a range closer than this — with a shotgun!