This Facebook video is from Amy Ritchie, owner of Amy's Animal Art Taxidermy in Hamptonville, North Carolina. Click here to read her bio; I think you’ll find it interesting. Fact: She began working on roadkill animals brought home by her father found on his early morning newspaper route. Also, click here if you’re curious what the going rate is to mount a mammal.
In her 6.5-minute video below, Amy answers the question, “Why does the taxidermy process take so long?”
She wrote, “Everyone seems to know a taxidermist who took five years doing taxidermy one hour a night in their basement. Or someone who goes drastically over the time quoted. This video is aimed more towards professional full-time taxidermists, with long lists and good time management. Everyone wants in, no one wants to wait. One person can only do so much!
“I am hoping with this video to shed some light on my answer when someone says that they’re ‘just checking in.’ I understand that sometimes those calls do not really expect an update, only serving as a reminder or a kick in the butt to get things going. A good and efficient taxidermist does not require or deserve a reminder, only more hours in the day.”
This video could save you a phone call to your taxidermist . . . and save the taxidermist from having to tell you that nothing has changed regarding the estimated completion date. (Spoiler: Your animal is still in the freezer.)
(Note: Be sure to click to enter full screen and turn up the volume for best viewing.)