Funny Video: Vortex Optics Implements New ‘Company Communication Strategy’

Most outdoor companies are 100 percent serious 100 percent of the time with their consumer messaging, but Vortex Optics marches to a different drummer.
Funny Video: Vortex Optics Implements New ‘Company Communication Strategy’

Many companies manufacturer fantastic optics for bowhunters. I own a good amount of glass, everything from budget-priced binos that sell for $200-ish, to top-of-the-line models that caused me to wince when I handed over my credit card. One of my favorite binos for bowhunting is a 8X42 Vortex Viper HD; I’ve beat on them for years and they still function like new. They aren’t the most expensive optics I own, but I certainly rank them near the top in terms of clarity and brightness.

As a fan of Vortex Optics, I also appreciate the company’s willingness to not take everything so serious when it comes to hunting. Case in point: The Vortex “Fall is Here” series of online videos. For a taste of what I mean, check out the one titled “The Communication Strategy” below.

If you enjoyed that one, I have another suggestion for you. All 18 vids in the series are pretty good, but I understand that your lunch break isn’t endless. My favorite in the “Fall is Here” lineup has to be “The One Upper.” I won’t say anything more because I don’t want to spoil it; simply watch and enjoy.

Finally, it was way back on March 31, 2017, that Vortex really hit a home run — in the viral video sense. They partnered with Hornady and put out a must-watch “Bullet Cam” video. Trust me, if you haven’t seen it, it’s worth your time. To date, the video has more than 3 million YouTube views. Spoiler: Vortex was genius to publish the clip on March 31 instead of April 1.


Kudos to Vortex Optics for continuing to invest in content that is just plain entertaining.


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