America’s heartland hosts a booming Eastern wild turkey population. This subspecies is as sharp as a tack, though, so follow these tips for an archery-close encounter.
Killing a wild turkey with archery gear isn’t easy. Here’s how to up your odds of success this spring.
The new Bedded Doe Decoy from DSD looks so realistic that in the author’s opinion, rutting bucks won’t stand a chance.
When it comes to so-called “confidence decoys” for wild turkeys, the only option is a feeding hen, right? Wrong.
Your best time to tag a wild turkey is often during midday. Here’s why.
Of all the wild turkey content seen online this spring by the author, this 3-minute video is his favorite.
The author kills a wild turkey with a Texas heart shot, and learns a valuable bowhunting lesson.
Can a pair of certified turkey nuts pull off an opening morning double in the Centennial State?
The author makes a major bowhunting blunder, and it costs him a big gobbler at point-blank range.
Decoying can be deadly on whitetails, especially when hunters hide with the aid of treestands and ozone generators.