Scattered Thoughts: What Would You Do?

What would you do to gain hunting access to prime coyote property? I’m sure I have my limitations, but I haven’t turned down anything, yet. I’ve run fence, done auto repair, moved a single mom’s furniture, including a couch. I’ve installed a hot water heater and have done landscaping.

Scattered Thoughts: What Would You Do?

A few years back, I was staying with a friend, Max Akerman, for a few days while we hunted during the mornings and evenings for coyotes. In the middle of the second day, Max informed me that his grandmother had a large tree branch laying in her yard and needed it removed. When we arrived at her house, she was apologetic. “I didn’t realize you had company! This could have waited!”

Max grabbed his chainsaw from the back of the truck and turned to his grandmother,” Don’t worry about him,” he pointed at me. “He’d do anything for hunting.”

His grandmother looked at me askance and quickly went back into her house. As I lifted up a bundle of tree limbs I said to Max, “I think your grandmother has the wrong impression of me. Could you specify to her what I would and wouldn’t do for hunting?” Max had his hand on the pull chord of the saw, looking at me with a deadpan expression. “But you would do anything for the chance to go hunting.” He cracked a big smile and fired up the saw. 

He was right. If you love hunting predators as much as I do, you’ll completely understand.  Thankfully, the list of things I’ve done so far for hunting fall in the legal category.   PS: If you know anyone who has a coyote problem and needs a kidney, I’ve got one I can spare. 


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