Scattered Thoughts: A Very Supportive Wife

Some better halves are better than others.

Scattered Thoughts: A Very Supportive Wife

I had my car going as about as fast as I could push it on a straight and lonely stretch of highway in the middle of Montana. “Don’t worry about anything. Once we get to the cabin, we’ll quickly unload everything, and you just go!” my wife insisted. I checked the time and mashed down the accelerator, trying to get more out of the four-cylinder engine.  

We were making the trip so I could hunt with a friend I met on social media named Troy Adams, who had informed me that morning that if I could make it to his house by three, we were invited to go hunting with a friend of his, Mike. There was a small window due to Mike’s schedule, but it promised to be a prime opportunity for big Montana coyotes. 

Looking at the clock again, I knew I had to get Amy to the cabin we were renting as quickly as possible and unload the car before heading in Troy’s direction. Our cabin was in the middle of nowhere, buried deep in a mountain range. As I navigated the bumpy and winding backroads, Amy stayed positive and assured me I could make it. I married a very supportive wife.   

Once we made it to the cabin, we both jumped out and I popped the hatch of our vehicle and started tossing luggage and boxes in a frenzied panic. Half of it made it on the porch, the other half on the front lawn. Once Amy was convinced everything was out of the car she started yelling, “Go! Go!”  

I jumped in the car, threw the shifter into first and the tires spit rocks and dirt into the air. A mile down the road a thought struck me. I am a horrible husband. I just left my wife in an unfamiliar cabin in the middle of the woods! For all I knew there could be a bear or a killer clown in that cabin, and I just left her on her own. I felt horrible. But not horrible enough to turn the car around.  

The hunting was amazing. Killed a bunch of coyotes in beautiful country. 

When I got back to the cabin late that night and crawled into bed, my wife rolled over. “How was the hunting?”  

“Amazing,” I responded. “How did you fair?”  

She grinned, “Fine, I just had to kick a bear out of the cabin, no big deal.”  

I married a very supportive wife. 


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