This is a wake-up call. Hunters are under attack now more than ever before. But the true attack is not from the anti-hunters who are open and up-front with their efforts to end all hunting of everything forever. The more subtle and potentially more effective attack on hunting lies in the state legislatures and the state bureaucracies where policies that affect hunting are created and implemented.
Backed by well-funded anti-hunting interests, ballot box wildlife management laws are becoming more and more common. Laws that adversely affect hunting are promoted as being pro-wildlife and an uninformed public suckers into voting for them. Although these initiatives can be challenged in court, it is much more difficult to undo a bad law than to defeat it in the beginning. It takes a lot of money and grass roots effort to defeat bad ballot measures, and hunters are not as well-funded as the antis.
The National Rifle Association of America and Safari Club International fight anti-hunting measures consistently. They are but two organizations against hordes of anti-hunters. With more funds and boots on the ground, those pro-hunting efforts can be more successful. That requires a volunteer army of hunters to augment the efforts.
To understand what it will take for hunting to continue, take note of what is happening throughout society. The assaults on hunting reflect the most significant culture shift in history. Witness the havoc being raised this year on college campuses where demonstrators openly back terrorists. Although there were paid provocateurs agitating these outbursts, many of those participating were college students and other counter-cultural lackeys who were brainwashed over the years. They don’t love anything. They hate everything that represents an orderly society.
This didn’t happen overnight. It began in the 1960s with the counter cultural movement that evolved out of the Vietnam anti-war movement. For these years since, educational institutions have been infiltrated by teachers, professors and administrators who have worked behind the scenes to undo everything this society stands for and all that it holds dear. Concurrently, during those years, we hunters were out in the wilds, doing what we do and, frankly, not paying much attention, if any attention at all.
As much as an educationally brainwashed generation is now showing its true colors publicly, it is what is happening behind the scenes that represents the greatest threat. Mentally pre-programmed voters sucker into the crap the anti-hunter/anti-American subversives foist upon the electorate. They sucker in when they sign anti-hunting initiative petitions, and they sucker in again at the ballot box. Simultaneously, anti-hunters have been infiltrating state game agencies at every level, all the way up to the heads of those agencies.
There is a saying among those who work in and with government agencies: Personnel are policy. This means that the actual policy often is determined by the people administering the laws rather than the laws themselves. There is all kinds of latitude between the words of the laws themselves and how they are enforced, or how they are overlooked, depending on the whims of those in the government who stand between elected officials and the electorate. Often, it is more devastating when bureaucrats ignore pro-hunting laws than it is when they enforce anti-hunting measures. The point is that hunters are swimming upstream all the way.
So, what can we predator hunters do? Everything possible, of course. But that’s nebulous and can easily result in no action at all. Often, the focus during elections is at the national level, with maybe a little drip down to the state level for some measures. Yes, it is important to vote at both of those levels. But ultimately, it is critical to put the right people in office at the local and county levels. This is because most of those running for higher offices started at the local level. If only right-thinking politicians are elected at the local level, then the group from which the higher offices are determined will be from among them rather than from among the subversives.
So, be active locally. Contribute to organizations that are fighting the local fight and be involved personally. Volunteers are especially effective at the local level. Pay attention to what local and state game management bureaucrats are doing. It is easier to defeat bad government before final decisions are made than it is to undo bad decisions later. Join and support organizations that fight anti-hunting efforts, both within the bureaucracy and at the ballot box. Yes, this is asking a lot, considering that predator hunters also have regular lives and spend most of our otherwise free time in the wilds, pursuing predators.
We have no viable alternative. We’re in a fight for all the marbles. We want to keep it all, and they want to take it all away. It’s that simple. We must argue, based on wildlife science and on tradition. They want to undo the entire society and cancel our culture. It’s not all about pro-hunting vs. anti-hunting.
The bigger fight is at the cultural level because the anti-hunting efforts are but a small slice of that bigger pie. This has become abundantly clear this year as the counter cultural activists have come out from the shadows and have made their presence known around the country, even around the world. This is a major election year, so if we do nothing else, vote for the right-minded candidates at all levels. Combined with all of our families and friends, we represent a possible tipping point society wide.
We need to send a strong message lest the anarchists tear apart everything we hold dear. What we do or don’t do right now will determine what our future looks like. I trust individual predator hunters will pick up the standard and join together in victory. Failure to be involved this year very easily could doom the entire future of hunting and our culture. Think about it and then do something. We hold the future in our hands. What it looks like is up to us right here, right now.