1) Go Only Once — If you have a buck’s core area pegged, stay clear until the wind and timing are perfect. But if you must scout, keep your intrusions minimal, and only enter once with all your gear so you can set up and hunt immediately.
2) Keep the Wind in Your Favor — When sneaking and peeking, keep the wind in your favor and out of his bedroom.
3) Scent Control is Everything — Dress in full scent-control gear — especially gloves — to avoid spreading scent around brush. Mature bucks decipher intrusions the same whether you are hunting or scouting.
4) Watch the Weather — Whenever possible, use the weather in your favor. Rain will quickly wash away scent and high winds cover noise.
5) Scout from a Distance — Rely heavily on long-range glassing and trail cameras. Taking a day off hunting to watch from afar can be the best plan. Place your trail cameras in easy-to-access locations to allow for low-impact access.
6) Act Like a Deer — If you bump a buck while scouting, grunt or snort-wheeze at him and return the next morning. Take advantage of the newfound information before he realizes the intrusion was a hunter.
What about you? What are some of your tips for scouting during the season? Let us know in the comment section below.