The Michigan Natural Resources Commission voted 4-2 for the change, which it says is to prevent “orphaned” coyotes and enhance their survival.
Wildlife officials say bruins are moving around, but food and habitat for hibernation will be critical to establish new territories.
A whitetail doe in Lansing, Michigan, is live trapped and then saved — from a stuck Halloween bucket.
Public asked to weigh-in on the future of the gray wolf in the Wolverine State.
Self-filming whitetail hunts isn’t easy, especially on a dead-calm morning with a big 5x5 spitting distance close.
After extensive searching for an arrow-hit whitetail, a hunter and his buddies use a drone — legally — to find the buck in a thick swamp.
Central Michigan isn’t known as a hotbed for big bucks, but the host of MAD Forager encounters a mature whitetail on public land, and it’s worth checking out.
In the latest installment of our game warden chronicles series, game wardens in New York got right to the point with a group of men using spears on salmon.
What started as the retrieval of a dead coyote suddenly shifted into a life and death struggle between two predators.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is using acoustic telemetry to track fish movements in the Great Lakes.