Video: Origins of Roger Raglin’s Famous “Jiminy Christmas!” Saying

The most famous saying in hunting might be Roger Raglin’s “Jiminy Christmas!” His history with the phrase, and its true origins, will surprise you.

Video: Origins of Roger Raglin’s Famous “Jiminy Christmas!” Saying

I’ve written about legendary deer hunter Roger Raglin on this site before; click here for an article/video with him arrowing a big 4x4 whitetail.

The Facebook video below made me laugh out loud. It details the origins of what could be the most famous saying in the hunting industry — “Jiminy Christmas!” — which Raglin says, and sometimes yells, every time he shoots a big buck.

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac: “Jimmy Christmas” or “Jiminy Christmas” is a direct reference to Jesus Christ and dates back to 1664, when it was first recorded as “Gemini,” a twist on the Latin phrase Jesu domini. The name of the Walt Disney character Jiminy Cricket was probably based on this phrase.

Who knew?!

As you’ll learn in the short video, Raglin’s history with the phrase dates back to his childhood, and watching college football with his dad. It’s a good story! (Note: Be sure to turn up the volume for best viewing.)

P.S. Did you know that Roger Raglin is an accomplished pianist? It’s true. In fact, he might be even a better piano player than a deer hunter! Click here to see a short video where he showcases his amazing skills on the piano.


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