Whitetail Journal Photo Contest Winner Announced

Whitetail Journal Photo Contest Winner Announced

Alan Richard was recently announced the winner of Whitetail Journal's cover photo contest. The winning photograph was voted on by the publication's social communities and newsletter subscribers. Richard's winning photograph will be featured in the November/December issue of Whitetail Journal. Photo: Alan Richard

Whitetail Journal magazine, a publication dedicated to whitetail deer hunting, news and research, has announced Alan Richard as the winner of its first cover photo contest. 

Earlier this year, Richard’s photograph (shown below) was first selected by Whitetail Journal staff, along with three other finalists. Once his photograph made it into the final group, the winner was selected by the magazine’s social community and newsletter subscribers.

Alan Richard's photograph featuring a whitetail deer (pictured) was selected to be featured on the 2019 November/December issue of Whitetail Journal. Photo: Alan Richard
Alan Richard's photograph featuring a whitetail deer (pictured) was selected to be featured on the 2019 November/December issue of Whitetail Journal. Photo: Alan Richard

Richard, a nature and wildlife enthusiasts, is from Leola, Pennsylvania. You can visit a collection of Richard’s photography here. Over the years, Richard has captured images of wildlife ranging from Pennsylvania elk, squirrels and whitetail deer to various owl species, bald eagles and falcons.

As the winner of Whitetail Journal’s photo contest, Richard’s image will be featured on the cover of the 2019 November/December issue. He’ll also receive $500 and a premium, 20-quart cooler from RUGID Gear.

If you’d like to see all contest entrants, search #WJCover on Facebook and Instagram. If you’d like to hear about upcoming contests, sweepstakes and giveaways sponsored by Whitetail Journal and Grand View Outdoors’ other publications, sign up for our newsletter or like us on Facebook or Instagram.


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