Gun columnist Richard Mann explores cartridges that are best suited for deep-woods hunting in this issue’s Guns & Loads column. The bottom line? If most of your shooting is done in heavy, deep woods, you’ll need a light-to-carry, fast-to-shoulder rifle — but almost any cartridge will do.
Hunters often convince themselves that they’re seeing eight or 10 does for every buck on their property, but biologist Dr. Dave Samuel explains why that’s just not true in “Know Whitetail: The Myth About Pre-Season Sex Ratios.”
Controlled burns can be excellent management tools, but only if they’re conducted properly. David Hart gives you the nitty-gritty on when, why and how to handle a controlled burn on your hunting land in “Game Management: Burn, Baby, Burn!”
With cash-strapped hunters pinching every penny these days, a budget-priced crossbow is just what the market demanded. Barnett answered with the Ghost 350 at an MSRP under $600, and our “Crossbow Talk” columnist Stephen Carpenteri gives this new ’bow the full workout in an in-depth review.
Trappers know the secrets of staying scent-free better than anyone —secrets that can help hide hunters from a whitetail’s nose. Archers can learn a lot from the tricks of the trapping trade, and editor Bob Robb tells them all in his “Moment Of Truth” column this month.
Blackpowder columnist Judd Cooney explores the pros and cons of using 100 versus 150 grains of powder in this issue’s “Muzzleloader” column. Does more bang always equal better performance?
When it comes to success on mature bucks, entry and exit strategies to your stands can be just as important as stand selection itself. Bob Robb fills hunters in on how to get in and out of the woods without spooking that monster buck in “How Important Is Sneaking Into Your Stand?”
Bob McNally gives detailed instructions and even coughs up some secret family recipes in “DIY Deer Processing.” In addition to step-by-step instructions and illustrations in this article, readers can access a series of videos online as well do get a full description of the butchering process.
From its confluence with the Mississippi River to its origins in Montana, the Missouri River corridor produces some of North America’s best deer hunting — and plenty of its biggest bucks. Tom Carpenter tells you how to cash in on some of the nation’s biggest bucks in “Big River, Big Bucks.”
Can September really be a more productive time to hunt than the rut? Mark Kayser says yes, and he’ll tell you why in “Why September Is Better Than The Rut.”
Are you a “whitetailologist?” Take our “What’s Your Whitetail IQ?” quiz and find out. No softball questions here!
You don’t have to wait for the late season to bag a monster buck with a muzzleloader. Randy Templeton’s “Early Season Tactics For Muzzle Bucks” outlines how to make the most of fall weather and patterns to ambush bucks with blackpowder equipment.