The author field tests a Barnett Whitetail Hunter 400XTR during two deer seasons in Wisconsin, and along the way learns that this model overdelivers in almost every way.
The Swagger SEA 12 bipod turns any hunter into Steady Eddie.
Many hunters miss or make marginal hits on wild turkeys because they aimed at the wrong spot. Here’s how to drop a tom or jake with one well-placed shot.
After years of searching for an effective crossbow rest to use in a treestand, the author finally finds one in the Swagger Stalker QD42.
A true hunting bipod that’s built to tackle any environment, any situation.
The key to avoiding the eyes of approaching wild turkeys is making sure you pick the right spot to sit.
Check out some of the hottest new products for hunting predators and be ready for the fall seasons.
Shooting rests aren’t only for big game hunters out West. Here are three reasons why deer hunters should use one every time they pursue whitetails.
Mounting directly to a rifle’s Picatinny rail, the Swagger Steelbanger Basic Bipod extends from 4 to 10 inches and weighs only 15 ounces.
The no-touch adjustability of Stalker Lite shooting sticks allows shooters to easily track moving targets.