A deer's vision advantage isn’t really about the ability to see color. Instead, it's about detecting movement and seeing really well in low light.
Consider all of the factors that affect rut activity to determine the best dates to be in the field next fall.
Research suggests that deer, especially mature bucks, know when a stand is being overhunted.
The use of these hunting lures is now under scrutiny. Is your state regulating deer urine products? Are they legal or illegal in your state?
When hunting and trapping coyotes, this animal's adaptability makes it difficult. This trait is exacerbated by wolf DNA, making some coyotes slightly larger and likely more aggressive.
Yes, coyotes eat fawns. But when gauging the causes of fawn mortality, evidence suggest it's not so black and white. Are coyotes really the bad guy?
It’s not hard or expensive to make your deer go where you want.
A DNA buck study shows that older bucks may not edge on younger bucks on mating. If true, what does this say about the Quality Deer Management practices?
Excursions, hunting pressure, the weather — all affect deer movement. Here’s what science says about it.
Love it or hate it, using bait for deer is more popular than ever. But is that a good thing?