Video: 53-Inch December Muskie From Lake Erie

When many anglers in the North are drilling holes through ice to target panfish, trophy hunters in Lake Erie’s Buffalo Harbor are trolling for muskies — big ones!

Video: 53-Inch December Muskie From Lake Erie

In early November 2022, I featured an article plus video on this website titled, “Biggest Muskie Ever Caught on Lake Erie?” That fish, which was caught trolling in Lake Erie’s Buffalo Harbor, measured just shy of 55 inches. A muskie of this length is very impressive, but it’s that fish’s girth that was truly remarkable. The giant muskie was released in good shape by Captain Hans Mann of Buffalo Harbor Outfitters.

The 13-minute video below was recently uploaded to YouTube, and in it you’ll see one of Capt. Mann’s clients catch a 53-inch muskie in early December 2022. As the captain explains, recent changes in the regulations allow anglers to pursue muskies in this area until December 15, where in the past the season closed at the end of November.

What I appreciate most about this recent video from Capt. Mann is he does an outstanding job explaining the on-the-water conditions, the fishery itself, and his technique for targeting these late-season muskies. The video is informative and entertaining.

Congrats to Capt. Mann and his clients on another big muskie. It’s crazy to know that these big fish swim within sight of the Buffalo city skyline.


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