Have you heard the news! New data from the National Shooting Sports Foundation that incorporated studies from the National Sporting Goods Association shows a tally of 3,346,000 women that actively hunted in 2012. This includes both archery and firearm hunts. That compares to 3,041,000 women in 2008. The growth accounts for a whopping 10 percent increase over that time period, which is incredible when you consider the male participation jumped by only a mere 1.9 percent the same period.
Not only is this information news, it’s great news! Any growth in hunter participation helps us all out in keeping hunting mainstream and fresh and guaranteeing the hunting heritage will continue beyond the 21stcentury. You can see the interest in women hunting simply by tuning into any outdoor network. Women are involved in deer, elk, turkey, waterfowl and any number of other hunts. They are enjoying the hunt, the camaraderie, camp life and wild game dinners. It’s a win-win for everyone, but are you doing your part?
Hunting isn’t for everyone whether you’re male or female. It’s an intense activity that involves physical challenges, mental prowess and the act of killing. Nevertheless, if you can hook someone, you could be creating a new hunting partner and someone to share an outdoor lifestyle with for … well for life.
Don’t overlook predator hunting as an element to hook your next hunter, especially an interested female. Why predator hunting? Few game species fascinate the public as much as predators. Larger predators have an image of being man-eaters and a few take the title seriously. Even though the odds are slim of becoming a sandwich it’s still tense when you call or stalk a large predator like a bear, wolf, or even a coyote. And speaking of calling, can you really put in words the charge of excitement associated with a predator bounding into range of your prey calls? The first time I called in a coyote with my daughter along she could hardly keep still as it raced into the trap. Plus, most game species have set seasons whereas many predator hunting options have year-round windows. It’s something you can do 365 days a year. And it’s affordable. You can predator hunt almost anywhere across the country without the expense of a traveling to a remote destination with outfitter fees, etc.
Adding new hunters into the sport is something we should all strive to do throughout our hunting careers. Have you considered the females in your family and friends? Consider them and you might just find a new hunting partner of the female gender.