Quit wiggling! Stay comfortable and still with Millennium portable hunting seats.
Ground blinds work well for bowhunting turkeys, but they aren’t mandatory, provided you know how to set up properly.
Variety is the spice of life. And having a vast arsenal of calls for wild turkeys that produce a wide selection of sounds for every occasion — and knowing which ones to use and when — will help anchor those finicky toms.
Nomad Leafy ¼-Zip Pullover and Leafy Pants are a lightweight duo designed for run-and-gun turkey hunting.
A guide and his client watch a Florida panther as it stalks their turkey decoys at close range — and it doesn’t leave until they reveal their ambush location.
If you have a travel itch and love pursuing wild turkeys in wild places, then consider a south-of-the-border adventure for Gould’s turkeys.
Most wild turkey hunters spend their time focusing on morning hunts, but it’s smart to scout for evening-only ambush locations to maximize your chances of filling a tag.
This turkey season, take the time to clean and cook wild turkey legs and thighs. It’s not difficult, it doesn’t take a lot of time, and the reward is a pile of delicious dark meat.
If you want to mount a turkey tail for display on your wall, or use the fan in a strutter decoy, then use this video as your DIY guide.
All seasoned wild turkey hunters have been there, using every trick in the “bag” to work a spring gobbler - and still no success. You just need to think outside the box.