The versatile Crosman 362 air rifle is a fresh take on the classic variable pump-controlled platform and is a great choice for transitioning into hunting small game, target shooting and critter control. This single-shot, bolt-action air rifle features a compact and rugged frame and a fully adjustable rear sight and delivers .22-caliber alloy pellets at up to 875 fps and lead pellets at up to 700 fps. It has a durable and rugged water-resistant synthetic frame with an easy pumping action. The Crosman 362 has an overall length of 36 inches and weighs 5 pounds. It features a single-action trigger and rifled bore barrel. MSRP: $107.52. Contact:
Great Gear: Crosman 362 Air Rifle
Welcome to the next level of air power with the Crosman 362 airgun.
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