Pulsar’s new Merger Duo NXP50 Thermal/Digital Binocular combines the power of thermal and digital night vision in a single, user-friendly device. Its ergonomic design mirrors classic daytime binoculars, making it instantly comfortable and intuitive to use, and goes beyond the limitations of traditional night vision or thermal products, enabling users to seamlessly switch between high-contrast thermal imaging and sharp digital night vision on its stunning 1280x960 AMOLED display. It features a 640x480 microbolometer sensor with 17μm pixel pitch and a <25mK NETD to deliver exceptional thermal clarity, while the 1920x1200 digital sensor unlocks stunning detail. Users can see up to 2,000 yards with 3-24X magnification in thermal mode or utilize the 2-16X digital magnification in digital night vision mode for versatility in any light conditions. MSRP: $6,488.89. Contact: pulsarnv.com
Pulsar Thermal/Digital Merger Duo NXP50 Binocular
Experience the one-two punch of thermal and digital night vision with Pulsar’s Merger Duo NXP50 Binocular.
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