Few things provide hardcore hunters with the peace of mind that comes from knowing their feet are set squarely on property they have permission to access or open-to-anyone dirt — not to mention the countless honey holes that can be uncovered by combing a geographic region of interest. With the HuntStand mobile app, hunters can mark areas of interest (public and private) to note their size and shape, as well as take an inventory of surrounding landowners, public access, access points and more. With a tap on a phone screen, HuntStand provides vital information, including the names of private-property owners and public land boundaries. MSRP: Free/HuntStand basic; $24.99/HuntStand Pro/Per year. Contact: www.huntstand.com
HuntStand Mobile App
As you research hunting hotspots, the HuntStand mobile app helps you find public property, as well as learn who owns private land. Boundaries and access points are clearly marked and available with a few touches on your phone screen.
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