HHA Tetra RYZ Bowsight

The HHA RYZ is a two-pin slider bowsight with the longest sight tapes the company has ever offered.

HHA Tetra RYZ Bowsight

HHA Sports has blended the company’s single-pin bowsight technology with the versatility of a multi-pin bowsight in its new HHA Tetra RYZ (pronounced “rise”), which has two pins contained within a single-pin structure. The top pin is green, and the bottom pin comes in a choice of red or yellow. Users simply sight-in the top pin at 20 yards and 60 yards, and the bottom pin is automatically calibrated (likely 32 to 40 yards). Both .010- or .019-inch diameter pins are available, housed in a 1.625-inch scope with a built-in level bubble. With a silky 2.1 inches of travel, the Tetra RYZ features the longest sight tapes HHA has ever offered for improved downrange accuracy and the ability to quickly adjust on the fly without needing to let down. Available in your choice of a fixed frame, two different dovetail length options, and a Hoyt Picatinny frame. MSRP: $319.99-$339.99. Contact: www.hhasports.com


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