HEVI-Shot goes ultra-dense with HEVI-18 TSS turkey loads. The 18 g/cc density pellets allow for smaller shot size and higher pellet counts for tremendous long-range lethality. HEVI-Shot achieves incredibly tight patterns thanks to its unique, friction-free, sealed-in-the-shell spherical buffer. With HEVI-18 being 48 percent denser than lead, shooters can drop down three shot sizes for similar downrange lethality when compared to lead turkey loads. This means instead of shooting shot sizes Nos. 4 or 6 lead loads, hunters can shoot shot sizes Nos. 7 or 9 TSS, thus taking advantage of higher pellet counts. Available in 12-, 20- and 28-gauge options plus .410 Bore. Shown above is the new 12-gauge, 2.75-inch, Reduced Recoil offering that features 1.25 ounces of No. 9 TSS pellets. MSRP: $45.99-$103.99/Five shotshells per box. Contact: www.hevishot.com
HEVI-Shot HEVI-18 TSS Turkey Loads
Get high pellet counts and downrange lethality with HEVI-Shot HEVI-18 TSS turkey loads.
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