Almost everyone uses the Internet for email, browsing the Web, finding a restaurant, or shopping online. Technology makes our life simpler. Why should hunting be any different?
By using a program like Google Maps, you can know the following before you ever leave your house. Best access trail to use to our setup
• Position of the sunrise in reference to our setup locations (shadows)
• Wind direction relative to calling/entry position
• Cover positions
• No-Shoot directions (Homes, barns, roads, etc.)
• Location of all creeks on the property
• Possible coyote travel lanes
• Distance of most likely shooting opportunity
• Stand elevation relative to possible target position
• Best positions for second, third, etc.. calling spots
• Call range estimate for progressive stand calling
Check out these two possible stand sites and look at what we know from the pictures.
Yellow Star:
This site has cover as is evident by the tree line.
• This stand should be hunted with a west/northwest wind and never with wind from the east or south.
• From the terrain information it is lower in elevation than the blue stand
• A dirt road runs from the yellow to blue stand
• This should be a morning stand since the sun will be at our back
• A no shoot safety zone exists to the northeast
• Likely target approach from the northwest tree line
Blue Star:
This site also has cover.
• This stand should be hunted with a west/northwest wind and never with wind from the east or south.
• From the terrain information, it is higher in elevation than the yellow stand
• This can be a morning or evening stand depending upon position.
• A no shoot safety zone exists to the east
• Likely target approach from the northwest tree line
• A travel lane exists running northeast (gas line)
And when we look at both of them together we know:
When planning to hunt this site in the morning, the calling stand sequence should be from the yellow site to the blue site. Progressing toward the wood line.
• The dirt road access will provide quiet entry into each stand.
• Distance between stands is approximately 1,000 feet.
Considering we have not yet set foot on these sites, I would say that we have gotten some significant help for a first-time setup at these locations. All this requires is a few mouse clicks and a bit of thought.