Hunting Summer Coyotes With Remote Game Calls

Watch Foxpro's Al Morris and field staffer Tom Austin make a quick trip to Colorado to put the X2S to work on some mid-summer coyotes.

Hunting Summer Coyotes With Remote Game Calls

What calls work best in summer to bring in coyotes?

Adult coyotes are feeding their pups and teaching them about life outside the den. That means easy meals will get a songdog's attention: rabbits, mice and birds. The adults are still protective of their pups, too, which means a squealing pup might cause a ma or pa to come investigate.

Those are just some of the calls Foxpro's Al Morris and field staffer Tom Austin used during a quick trip to Colorado. They worked their magic on the Foxpro X2S with some mid-summer coyotes that couldn't help but come find out what was going on.

Dirt naps for everyone!

Take a look at the video and incorporate some of these calls into your routines.


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