It was the first frost we had down here in Georgia this winter and I had a feeling it was going to be a good morning.
On the first stand I called for 45 minutes and no luck. So I packed up, crossed the creek, walked about 200 yards and set up in a place that was kind of thick. I could see well and I knew the coyotes would feel safe with the cover. I turned on the FOXPRO playing a fawn distress. After about 2 minutes of calling, a coyote popped out on my left. It came in slow with its nose to the ground. I had to turn slowly to get on it. I got him in the scope about 55 yards away and dropped him in his tracks with my .22-250.
I turned the call back on and another one appeared 100 yards back into the woods. It didn't want to come to the call, so I switched the call to a baby cottontail and turned it very low. She turned, looked and trotted right towards the call. I let her get about 65 yards from me and I sent another one of my 55-grain hand loads down range hitting her right in the chest. I was pumped.
That was my first double since 2010. That's why I love predator hunting! It can go from nothing to something in seconds.
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