From The Readers: Christmas Eve Coyote

Christmas comes a day early for Predator Xtreme reader Erik Hammond and a day late for his coyote.
From The Readers: Christmas Eve Coyote

I showed up at a farm I hunt on Christmas Eve. I grabbed all my gear from my jeep and headed in. I had long walk to the back of the farm where I planned on setting up in a back field at the base of a mountain along an old logging road. I was walking north across this rolling field that was about 100 yards wide and maybe 450 to 500 yards long.

The field had a tree line with sum scrub brush running down the middle with the mountain in the back. I was taking my time and noticed there were a couple of fresh tracks in the snow headed in and out of the tree line.

I was about half way down the tree line when I saw a ’yote step out of the tree line looking the other way about 100 yards from me. I quickly raised my Remington R-15. The coyote instantly turned my way and dropped ass and headed down the tree line towards the mountain! I had him in my Nikon Coyote Special for a second before he disappeared in the first rolling hill in the field. I dropped to one knee to steady for a shot…it's on now! The coyote came back into view about 150 to 160 yards from me and about 50 to 75 yards from the the woods! I put it on him and let a 53-grain Hornady Superperformace bullet fly. Thwap! “Oh snap,” I said! He did a few cartwheels and he was out cold! I watched through my scope for a few seconds and then I started jumping up and down!

I walked up and my ’yote was about 20 yards from the woods! I was aiming for his head and the shot entered between his back legs and right into the boiler room! I wish I had it on video!

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