Ameristep is celebrating its 20th Anniversary in 2012 with a year-long "Ralph & Vicki" Sweepstakes. For the contest that began February 1, each month Ameristep will give away a Free Carnivore Ground Blind (msrp $350). And there's more. The Grand Prize at the end of 2012 is a "Choice Hog Hunt" with Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo at Osceola Outfitters in St. Cloud, Florida.
The Grand Prize trip (valued at $1,800) includes the hunt, lodging, food while on the hunt, tags, and round-trip coach air transportation for the winner.
Archery Business Editor Mark Melotik can vouch for the quality of this exciting hunt; Melotik had a wildly successful hunt with Hoppy Kempfer and his Osceola Outfitters team in July 2011 (see the November/December 2011 issue of Archery Business).
For more details and official rules, visit