2021 Cajun8 Limited Bowfishing Tournament Breaks Attendance Records

The 2021 Cajun8 Limited Bowfishing Tournament brought in a record number of boats to southern Indiana.

2021 Cajun8 Limited Bowfishing Tournament Breaks Attendance Records

Cajun Bowfishing hosted its 7th Annual Cajun8 Limited Bowfishing Tournament recently in Evansville, Indiana. The 100 team big-8 tournament sees teams from all around the United States come together for a highly competitive single night of Midwest bowfishing. The 2021 tournament marks the largest and most successful Cajun8 to date by number of teams, as well as the winning team’s total haul weight.

The Cajun8 is a big-8 tournament where teams compete to have the highest gross weight between the largest eight fish caught during tournament fishing hours. In past years, Cajun Bowfishing has capped the number of teams at 80. However, due to growing interest and the tournament selling out early in the past, the brand made the decision to bump the number to an impressive 100 teams.

“Our team has worked hard to develop the annual Cajun8 Limited into one of the largest and premier bowfishing events in the United States.” said Alec Wyman, marketing manager for Cajun Bowfishing. “It’s been exciting to see the continued growth and success of the tournament with new teams making the journey to compete each year.”

Cajun Bowfishing pays out cash prizes to the top eight teams in the tournament. First place earns $10,000 with the potential to earn another $6,000 in bonuses for having the heaviest fish in the tournament and for shooting Cajun Bowfishing equipment.

This year’s winning team was The Outsiders (above) from Tennessee with a huge total weight of 391.6 pounds for eight fish. The team also took home an additional $3,250 for shooting the heaviest fish of the night at 68.2 pounds with Cajun equipment.

In addition to the cash prizes for the top eight finishers, Cajun8 teams had the opportunity to win more than $15,000 in product giveaways from partners such as YETIBass Pro Shops, LaCrosse, ScentLok, Browning, Escalade Sports, Leupold, Bear Archery, Trophy Ridge and more.

The Cajun8 tournament continues to draw and appeal to bowfishing teams across the country for its organized and engaged layout year after year.


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