If you’ve ever fantasized about pursuing moose with archery gear, then this 6-minute YouTube video is for you. A giant bull moose is No. 1 on my bucket list of bowhunts, and my dream of the best possible way it could unfold is shown perfectly in this encounter.
Crank up the video volume and listen as the bull grunts during his approach. And pay attention to the sound of branches breaking under the moose’s hooves, and saplings snapping as they’re run over by the bull’s massive chest and antlers. Amazing!
My biggest worry on a moose hunt such as this one would be deciding whether to shoot through thick brush, possibly at a bull that is head-on or quartering-toward because he’s responding to a call. Neither of those nightmares takes place here.
This bull LOUDLY announces his arrival, so the bowhunter has plenty of time to prepare for a shot. And luckily, the giant steps out broadside from thick cover and into an opening; the bull even stops so the hunter doesn’t have to shoot a walking animal. This in-your-face encounter is as good as it gets for a moose bowhunter. Period.