E-Callers: Keeping It Real

Check out these websites for a variety of late-season, must-have sound sources.

E-Callers: Keeping It Real

Game call companies know that hunters are always on the search for new and productive sounds. These folks take pride in updating their sound libraries with high-quality and 100-percent real animal sounds to give hunters an advantage afield. For the 2022-23 hunting season, there are many new sounds on the market. Check out these websites for the freshest sounds available.

One hundred percent real animal recordings are available in this extensive sound library. Foxpro also offers a wide variety of mouth calls and mouth diaphragms. www.gofoxpro.com  

Torry Cook burst on the scene years ago with his diaphragm calls, which were perfect for creating coyote vocalizations. He now also offers an extensive list of live recordings on his MFK website. Torry describes the sounds as you listen to the previews on your computer and offers advice on when to use them, which greatly assists in sound selection. www.mfkgamecalls.com         

Tony Tebbe offers a wide variety of unique coyote vocalizations and prey sounds on his website. His sound library is updated yearly and includes the popular “Den Raid.” www.predatoruniversity.com          

Idaho hunter James Bostock offers several sound packs of highly effective coyote vocalizations and prey distress sounds. www.facebook.com/BossPredatorAcoustics  


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