Calling Hogs at Night, the Ultimate Hunting Experience?

Could combining two cool things — hunting wild hogs at night and calling them to you — be considered among the ultimate hunting experiences?

Calling Hogs at Night, the Ultimate Hunting Experience?

Calling hogs at night with an electronic call can turn the tide to make a fun hunt a thrilling one.

Hunting hogs at night is one of the coolest things I've ever done because the darkness lends a greater element of mystery. Calling them at night and having them come closer? That might send me over the edge.

My nighttime hog hunting has involved riding around in spring and summer to check fields with night vision and thermal optic gear. That's a genuine blast because you can get close to a field, slip out of the vehicle and stalk in to look around. Or, depending on the size of the property, you can ride around and scan from the vehicle without getting out.

Both have plusses and minuses. Getting out of the vehicle involves noise, people accidentally slamming a door, maybe forgetting something, and the in-and-out each time. I also constantly think about rifles in the vehicle having a round chambered. Some think this is no big deal but I do. I don't care to recreate Marvin's big backseat scene from Pulp Fiction with a .308 or .224 round.

Stalking can be quieter, for sure, but you may have a guy who can't keep up. Or someone drops a magazine, or trips in a hole, or something else. Encountering a rattlesnake isn't out of the realm, either. Not fun. Things usually come off without a hitch but everyone has to be on the same page to make sure things go well.

I've never had success calling hogs but have not tried with an electric caller. Having grunts, shoats in distress (maybe similar to rabbit in distress?) and fighting sounds, along with the ability to amplify and increase the volume, seems like it would stir the curiosity of a nearby hog.

From this footage shot by Chris Robinson of Night Crew, which airs on Sportsman Channel, was viewed with  a Trijicon REAP-IR thermal scope. Check out the video below. It looks like a blast.

Calling the hogs may be a long-standing tradition with the University of Arkansas but it could be a hot hunting tactic, too.


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