How To Be Ready to Kill Multiple Coyotes

If you want to tag a double (or more) then you have to plan and practice so the opportunity doesn’t slip out of your grasp.

How To Be Ready to Kill Multiple Coyotes

Most coyote hunters feel lucky to call in one coyote and blessed when two or more coyotes bound into view. This perceived "manna from Heaven" represents a unique opportunity, but a challenging situation at the same time.

Although the coyotes may take a few minutes to reach your position as they lope into range, once lead starts flying you can count in seconds how long it will take for the coyotes to vanish like a prop in a David Copperfield act.

If you want to tag a double (or more) then you have to plan and practice so the opportunity doesn't slip out of your grasp. Multiple coyotes could show up early in the season, midseason or even during the late season.

During early season pups often travel in family groups and put forth a united effort to secure protein. Calling in September and October oftentimes results in a brother and sister funeral. During midseason you have potential to call in coyotes banded together to increase hunting success due to harsh winter weather.

And finally, in the late season your odds increase of calling in pairs that have set up a territory to den. Whatever the scenario, you'll land more fur if you prepare.

Here are a few tips to double your success and double your fun.


You'll likely get one standing shot. After that the odds decrease drastically for a shot on a motionless coyote. Get out and shoot at rolling tires. Plink at bounding rabbits. And speed shoot at the range to acclimate your reflexes to cycling your action fast. Practice, practice and practice.

Incorporate Calls

You can likely get your first coyote to stop solidly by barking, but after the shot others will be on the run. To confuse the remainder of the group go directly into a canine-distress routine. Young coyotes will particularly stop to take a second and hopefully last look.

Carry A Shotgun

Carrying a shotgun also requires patience to let the group reach shotgun range. Once they cross the line of no return rain down a storm of precision lead on the group. If any escape then have your rifle within easy reach and extend your range. ARs with high-capacity magazines are ideal for follow-up shots.

Shoot The Easy Coyote First

There will undoubtedly be some debate on this one, but I prefer to follow the proverb "a bird in hand is worth two in the bush." I think that's how it goes, but nevertheless I'd rather take one coyote home than miss two.

Be Upbeat

If you do miss the second coyote and your concealment was ideal then you can always come back. If the coyote didn't smell you and only heard a bang it doesn't know what happened to its buddy. Loud noises occur in nature all the time (thunder) and if you slip out undetected you can always return another day to try for the fugitive.

I've taken a handful of doubles in my predator-hunting career, but every time I land a pair on the same setup I'm prouder than a teenager eyeing a new set of cruising wheels. Get ready for a double now and if you have any other ideas on how to tag a team of coyotes, please share it in the comments below.


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