From the Readers: Shooting coyotes at long range

A beginning coyote hunter and high power rifle competitor goes long-range to bag a wary winter coyote.
From the Readers: Shooting coyotes at long range

Richard Niehueser | Fond Du Lac, WI

FTR-Small-LogoThis January I took this 40-pound male coyote, aged between 3 to 5 years, with my .223 (55 grain) Remington 700 SPS tactical bolt-action rifle.

It was my first set at 7a.m. and within 10 minutes of using a FOXPRO caller and Primos decoy on an overcast, 17-degree day with 15 to 20 MPH winds he showed up on the horizon.

I ranged him at 375 yards, aimed accordingly and took the shot. I began coyote hunting last year, subscribed to Predator Xtreme and joined the Wisconsin Coyote Hunters Association. During the off-season I compete in the service rifle high power competitions. I'm also an active NRA member.

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