How To Extend Your Bowhunting Range

Bowhunters who want to shoot farther need the right equipment and work ethic.
How To Extend Your Bowhunting Range

Modern archery equipment is capable of greater speeds, penetration, and range. But you need more than cutting-edge technology or new gear. You must work harder—and smarter.

Why work at it? Say your maximum effective range is now 20 yards (five of five arrows in a standard paper plate). Subtracting a 20-degree wedge for the downwind dead zone created by human odor, you’re theoretically in charge of 1,187 square yards of ground. But by increasing effective range to 40 yards (removing the 20-degree wind wedge), you’re now master of 4,748 square yards—or about three times the effective area compared to 20-yard effective range and zero wind!

Bottom line: Ethically, maximizing your effective range puts more game within reach, thus increasing opportunities during hard-earned days afield.

Making this jump requires more attention to detail, namely more precisely tuned equipment and sharpened shooting form, as small flaws loom large as ranges stretch.

Concentrate On These Key Range-Extending Points

  • Equipment Tuning: As range stretches, tuning must become increasingly finite. There’s plenty of written material offered out there, or seek assistance from a pro shop professional.
  • Shooting Form: Shooting consistently at longer ranges requires flawless form, including repeatable anchor, consistent bow grip, silky-smooth release, and thorough follow-through after release. Hire a shooting coach to shorten the learning curve.
  • Wrist Sling & Stabilizer: Facilitate a no-torque bow grip by installing a wrist sling, which alleviates the fear of dropping your bow following release. And, use heavier, longer stabilizers for better bow balance and follow-through.
  • Long-Range Sight: Obviously, to shoot longer, you’ll need sights capable of long-range precision. Don’t stretch three-pin sights into doing something they weren’t designed to do; instead purchase a 5- or 7-pin fixed or single-pin moveable design for pin-point aiming at longer ranges.


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