Fooling a buck’s nose is never easy, which is why keeping the wind in your favor is critical for success, regardless of whether you’re bowhunting from the ground or a treestand. The five scent control products featured below can help increase your odds for a close encounter of the whitetail kind. The gear is listed in order of its use on a daily basis, from mud room to treestand.
Scent Crusher Ozone Room Clean
Diehard deer junkies who have a mud-room or closet dedicated to whitetail gear should consider the new Ozone Room Clean ($150) from Scent Crusher (877-575-3173; Simply set the built-in timer for 10, 20 or 30 minutes and then turn on the Ozone Room Clean. It produces enough ozone to quickly destroy all odors, is extremely easy to use and comes with a 2-year warranty.
Lethal Field Wipes
For a touch-up job on a sweaty forehead, or maybe those emergency situations when the morning coffee and gas station breakfast sandwich kick in, Lethal (800-841-3904; has created Field Body Wipes ($10.50). They are hypoallergenic, free of chlorine and alcohol and made from biodegradable bamboo fibers. Field Wipes utilize Odoban technologies to eliminate all kinds of buck-spooking scents such as perspiration and gasoline.
Code Blue Smoke Cover Scent
Deer smell smoke all the time, and it’s one of the few man-made scents they get so used to that they won’t booger when they get a whiff of it. That’s why Code Blue’s (844-282-0455; new Smoke Cover Scent ($10) is an ideal choice for deer hunters. Smoke Cover scent comes in an easy-to-use 8-ounce spray bottle, and allows bowhunters the chance to quickly spray down before heading into the woods — or while on stand throughout a long sit.
Dead Down Wind WindScout
The foundation of any deer hunting strategy is understanding wind direction at all times, which is where the new WindScout ($25) from Dead Down Wind (800-624-5988; comes into play. This wind indicator uses vapor technology to emit up to 400 puffs per cartridge, allowing bowhunters the chance to continually check the wind direction and make sure they are set up correctly. The WindScout charges via a USB port, and is fitted with a lanyard for ease in use.
Ozonics HR-230
Ozone has changed how deer hunters view scent control, and no one deserves more credit for that paradigm shift than Ozonics (979-285-2400; The HR-230 ($400) is built with an easy-to-use keypad, DriWash Mode with Pulse Technology, and operates in two modes: Standard and Boost. The HR-230 comes with an integrated EZ-mount, so that even in the dark you can quietly connect your unit and then hunt confidently, knowing that your scent won’t spook passing deer.