Snooping around the ATA Show floor yesterday afternoon, I ran into my good buddy Jake Schlangen, owner of 365 Archery. Jake’s a perfectionist when it comes to gear, and he couldn’t wait to show me his latest for 2018.
The Modify Stabilizer allows customizable spine and directional flex to reach maximum forgiveness for your bow setup. This unique design features PBO material wires; using a pair of included wrenches, the archer can tighten or loosen the wires to change the stabilizer’s spine, flex and direction of movement of flex at the shot. Too cool!
Jake showed me exactly how the system worked, and it was obvious that with a few twists and turns an archer could easily and quickly tune their stabilizer — creating a super-stiff stabilizer or a more limber stabilizer — in a matter of seconds. That means archers will be able to customize their stabilizers to maximize shot-to-shot performance. The Modify Stabilizer is available in 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, 15-, 27- and 30-inch lengths and in nine colors. All of the stabilizers in the line come with a single 2-ounce weight.
For more information, visit