Videos: Whitetail Buck and Bull Moose Eating Pumpkins

Instead of throwing your pumpkin in the trash after Halloween, you could feed it to a whitetail, or even a moose.

Videos: Whitetail Buck and Bull Moose Eating Pumpkins

Across the country, deer hunters go to great lengths to lure whitetails into shooting range. From placing bait and mineral (where legal) to building and maintaining food plots, significant time and expense is spent in these endeavors.

As you’ll see in the two Facebook videos below, maybe big game hunters should consider planting a pumpkin patch instead of a brassica field.

In the whitetail video, a decent-size 5x4 buck is captured on a front-step security camera as he helps himself to a pumpkin. Note the background; this isn’t out in the country. Rather, the buck has walked into a suburban area dotted with manicured lawns. Just as Halloween trick-or-treaters have their favorite candies, it’s clear this buck hits the jackpot when he finally rips out the pumpkin’s guts at the 36-second mark. Delicious! (Viewing tip: Hit "click to enter fullscreen" to enlarge the video.)

When it comes to animal classifications, moose are members of the deer family, so it should come as no surprise that the Alaska bull in the video below also loves pumpkins. Unlike the pumpkin-munching buck, which waited until after dark to make his move, this bull is bold enough to camp out in someone’s front yard at 8:49 a.m. Note how the moose balances on his knees to more easily reach the pumpkin. (Be sure to turn up the volume to hear the play-by-play from the persons in the vehicle.)

FYI: Pumpkins are preferred by deer — and moose! — after they have frozen and started to become soft.


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