Interest in crossbow shooting and hunting continues to grow as increasing numbers of states pass legislation allowing crossbows during deer, bear, hog, turkey and other hunting seasons. For example, in 1980 only two states allowed crossbows during the regular archery deer seasons. Today, 20 states consider crossbows as "archery tackle," and four more states approving crossbows for deer hunting under special regulations. Crossbows are also legal for use during firearms seasons in 13 states. Fifteen states now allow crossbows for all legal game in season.
As more states are expected to approve crossbows for hunting at some level, manufacturers continue to work to provide more efficient, dependable and accurate products designed with the hunter's needs in mind. The continuing trend in lighter, slimmer, more accurate crossbows is fueling the enthusiasm of hunters who want to branch out beyond sitting in tree stands or blinds to stalking, still-hunting and hit-and-run tactics.
As crossbows hunters look forward to additional hunting opportunities this season, here's a look at what's new in crossbows, arrows and accessories in 2013.