Teenager Mistakenly Kills 500-Pound Idaho Grizzly

A California father-son duo were issued a warning and a citation after killing a massive grizzly in Idaho.

Teenager Mistakenly Kills 500-Pound Idaho Grizzly

ISLAND PARK, Idaho (AP) — Authorities say a 15-year-old boy hunting black bears with his father mistakenly shot and killed a 500-pound male grizzly bear in eastern Idaho.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game says the father and son from California later that evening on May 5 returned to their family cabin and realized it was a grizzly bear.

Authorities say that the next morning they contacted Idaho Fish and Game to report what happened.

Fish and Game officials in a news release Thursday say the juvenile has been issued a warning and the father a citation for the taking and possessing a protected species.

A court date is set for June 1.

Officials say the carcass of the 9-year-old grizzly bear has been confiscated.


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