Grizzly Trapping To Start In Grand Teton Park

Scientists are set to begin trapping grizzly bears in Grand Teton National Park to outfit them with tracking collars and collect samples from the animals.

Grizzly Trapping To Start In Grand Teton Park

JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. (AP) — Scientists are set to begin trapping and placing tracking collars on grizzly bears in Grand Teton National Park.

The Jackson Hole News and Guide reports that on Wednesday, bears will be trapped and sedated to allow experts to outfit the bears with tracking collars and collect samples from the animals. Trapping ends April 30.

A release from the park says there will be warning signs to inform the public of where the bear research is being conducted. The public is prohibited from entering those areas.

Park officials say the animals are being studied under a requirement by the Endangered Species Act. The study plays a role in the recovery of the grizzly population in the greater Yellowstone area.


Information from: Jackson Hole (Wyo.) News And Guide,



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