BIGshot Archery has announced its exclusive partnership with software specialists from QuivAR to introduce the new BIGshot Archery X-Ray Series 3D Targets that will provide shooters with an unprecedented 360-degree view of an animal’s internal organs. This “X-Ray” view allows archers to accurately see where their arrows would hit inside the animal. The powerful QuivAR app provides stunning visualization of the actual bone structure and organs inside the 3D target, providing extremely accurate feedback as to what organs the arrow would hit. This target is an outstanding training tool for treestand hunters who must practice shooting from downward and quartering angles. Bigshot Targets X-Ray series will initially include the Big Buck (photo above), Mule Deer and Axis Deer. MSRP: $459.99-$549.99. Contact:
BIGshot Archery X-Ray Series 3D Targets
Bowhunters can practice lethal shots with X-Ray Series 3D targets from BIGshot Archery.
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