From The Readers: Bobcat kill saves a woman's pet

Coyotes hunters strike out on ''yotes but get a bobcat and save a farmer''s pet in the process.
From The Readers: Bobcat kill saves a woman's pet

We had been calling all day for coyotes but it was just way to windy. We decided to go to a farm my buddy Eric has permission to hunt and see if there was any quail.

As we were driving in I spotted a bobcat sitting up in a row of trees. Eric backed the car and I scrambled to get the gun out and loaded.

The cat started to move row to row and all the while Eric is telling me to hurry up cause it’s going to go. It stops at the first row of trees and gets into a stalking position.

I took the shot and it entered right above its front leg. The cat ran a few yards and we lost sight of it. After a quick search I found it expired lying next to a tree. When I shot, Eric saw a house cat run back to the house, that’s what the Bobcat was stalking.

The farmer lady was really thankful I saved her cat. She told us that was the only cat she had left. I was shooting my Savage .17 HMR with a 15.5-grain Winchester lead-free round since I was in the Condor zone in California. The shot was about 80 yards.

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