Hunter Education Series

"Hunting is a safe activity, and with the availability of hunter safety education, it is growing safer all the time. Over the last 50 years hunting related injury rates have decreased dramatically, even as populations of deer, wild turkey, elk, geese, and other species of game have risen to record numbers." — IHEA is committed to hunter education safety. They work with state agencies to produce a hunter safety education course that's accurate, interesting and easy to understand. They worked with IHEA-USA and more than 35 state agencies responsible for hunter education to develop comprehensive online hunter's safety courses that teach students important laws and regulations, game identification, and safe, responsible firearm handling. Choose your hunter safety course.

The Hunter Ed Video Series

How To Safely Cross A Fence With A Firearm

How To Stay Safe After The Shot

What To Do When Approached By A Conservation Officer

Loading And Unloading A Modern Inline Muzzleloader

Ballistics: Understanding The Different Choke Types

The Effectiveness Of Blaze Orange

Determining Your Safe Zone-Of-Fire

How To Clear A Plugged Gun Barrel

Loading And Unloading Firearms Checklist

How To Safely Carry A Firearm In The Field

How To Safely Transport Firearms