Video: Youth Angler Catches Four Bass on One Retrieve

Zeke is bass fishing with his dad, and the pair are surprised by what attacks Zeke’s lure.

Video: Youth Angler Catches Four Bass on One Retrieve

In the 1-minute YouTube video below, a young angler — Zeke — is retrieving an A-Rig, which is an abbreviation for Alabama Rig. Zeke is bass fishing with his dad, who explains that he casted the heavy/cumbersome A-Rig and then handed off the rod to Zeke so he could begin the retrieve.

An A-Rig (example below) is more of a lure system than a single lure — depending on the specific rig, it contains multiple soft-plastics and jigheads. Because of the multiple hooks — and its effectiveness — the A-Rig has been banned from some professional bass fishing tournament circuits, and some state game and fishing departments have also outlawed their use.

An Alabama Rig (A-Rig) mimics a school of minnows. Because it has multiple hooks, there’s a chance of catching more than one fish on a retrieve.
An Alabama Rig (A-Rig) mimics a school of minnows. Because it has multiple hooks, there’s a chance of catching more than one fish on a retrieve.

That said, the A-Rig is still legal and a popular choice throughout much of the country for bass, and as the video proves, it catches fish! Note: The four bass that Zeke catches on one retrieve aren’t largemouth bass, they are a cousin to the largemouth called spotted bass.

Congrats, Zeke!

P.S. For best viewing, click enter full screen on the video and turn up the volume


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